
Showing posts from 2017


A few weeks back, a friend of mine came up to me with an idea he had from a relative to build a database from scratch for a small ward (population less than 10 000). I figured it would be fun making use of my free time to design something small for this guy. When I started, it is not as small as I thought it was - there is no such thing as a small database. Part A: Investigation To be more precise, I needed to gather all the information needed for this database, so I began researching databases on the net that stores citizen population. I started comparing these details to the details needed for a prototype. Here's what I've listed Name - (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Maiden Name*) Date of Birth Gender Marital Status Address (Postal, Residential) Contact Details Employment Details Part B: Design The database has to be designed before implementation so we do not have to re-structure once data is entered. Entity Relational Diagrams play an important role in

Communication Skills

Why do people say that you have to have good communication skills? I'm terrible at this, and I am still working on it. I hope one day I could be able move people into my circle of influence. I am reminded everyday that I have to be convincing, persistent and work on my communication skills generally. Personally, I try everyday, but if it does not show to others, then I must be failing. I mean, who would understand someone who has difficulty communicating his/her feelings, opinions and thoughts? Fact is, its lonely if you can't communicate well. It's like a basic instinct to be heard. I had no problem with this growing up. I was the 'Question Box' - the one who has one too many questions to ask about everything. Then, puberty kicked in and grew silent, withdrawn and basically keep to myself. I don't have a listener, maybe. But as I grew up, I began to 'widen-out', started making new friends, spend more time outdoors and basically le


It caught my eye as I was walking past Gordon Service station this morning. A station assistant smoking right between two pumps. I was going to take a picture but I was in a hurry. The sense of danger is the least in this man's mind. Its just something about smoking, if you're a smoker, you would understand. No matter what we do, no matter how busy the day gets, no matter how late in the night, if the craving starts, you have to get up and light a cigarette What are the common cigarette's in PNG? I'm going to base this on where I live and how I observe smokers CAMBRIDGE Most people like this product. SPEAR PALL MALL Most rural areas grow their own smoke called 'brus' - still have to get to the bottom of this and find out the name of the plant that they use. I have no idea how it became a lifestyle but it surely is going to be a part of it in the decades to come.

Junior Developer

Today I got a call about an interview for a Junior Developer position in one of PNGs top 5 banks. So I've decide to do some research into the company KINA GROUP Established in 1985, the company provides end-to-end financial solution, savings and loans, mortgages, stockbroking, financial advice and more. Later in 2015 it acquired May Bank (Malaysian) and developed into Kina Bank and Kina Wealth Management. It is now the 4th largest bank in Papua New Guinea The companies values include 1. Integrity 2. The Customer 3. Opportunity 4. Trust 5. Fairness WHAT IS A JUNIOR DEVELOPER? According to the position description, is a whole lot of developing (obviously), testing and maintaining web and desktop-based business applications - no problem with that whatsoever. It also says things about documentation, working with team mates, resolving application issues and providing third-level support to business users. What is third-level support? According to  Community Spic

Beard Balm

What is a beard balm? I found an ad on facebook selling the beard shaper - a comb used to shape your beard (lining) instead of someone else doing it for you. When I bought the pack, it comes with two other products, the beard balm and the beard oil. I dont know the use of the beard balm so I decided to look for answers. So this is what I found out on my quest to find the answers to beard balm According to beard wiki  it contains shea butter, essential oils, carrier oils, and fragrances. What are these things? Shea butter - a fat extracted from the nut of the African shea tree Well Im only interested in Shea butter. So what does it do? The purpose as mentioned on the site is to "Keep the beard hair soft and healthy, provide very slight control over the beard" So there you have it. After using it for a few days, it actually works! A friend of mine also advised me that it cuts down the itchiness on your chin and cheeks after you shave. My be


Papua New Guinea was introduced to music - well modern music a couple of years in the early times (I would have to research that and find out exactly when) but we have traditional music - "singsing" - that lasted even before our ancestors settled into villages. According to Wiki, they say 'music is an art form and cultural activity' that has been around for many many years.   Pitch (melody and harmony), rhythm (tempo), dynamics and others. Anyways, so I listen to music, I was more interested in the production of it rather than the music itself, so I decided to try out some Going through the 'archives' I found an old account with my music dating back to 2013 So this were some of my first 'remixes' - not sure what to call it but I followed some DJ's style of reducing the 'low' bands of a song and add drums and bass to cover it up. Most times to convert or mix non-reggae songs to reggae songs Visit https

New Beginings

A new beginning - or an end? The country elected a new Prime Minister yesterday, I was a little hesitant about the word 'new' but he is the same Prime Minister who is continuing his second term in the Parliament. Majority of the public - well on social media and on interview by the media, do not seem to like the guy. Well maybe because of the economic situation of the country or maybe they just don't like him for some other reasons. His people seem to love him as he got voted back in with a major gap with more than 30 000 difference to his runner up. The opposition however tried a stunt to get some change done, however were not successful. It was a happy and sad day for the country. Now the opposition wants the government to put a law to restrict elected members for switching sides or jumping from one party to another. Switching sides - Does it benefit the people? Most of the members who campaigned against the winning party joyfully joined the team to elect the


Scribbler Scribbling is a habit, like there are scribblers around the world who scribble anything that comes to their mind. The definition of scribbler on wiki is " a person who writes for a living or as a hobby" ! Would you want to write for a living? Interesting. Anyways, the fact is scribbling may be an advantage when one does not trust the company of others to share deep feelings. "I know I am a scribbler because I put all my thoughts down in writing in a scrap book but I write in a way that only I can read", says a youngster By: Barthalloyd AKA Bossman 2017 As I grew up, I started losing it. I scribbled less and less as I get busier and busier. I would from time to time scribble in a scrap paper but it would end up being squashed and thrown away. I wish I had kept these notes so one day I can recall my life (One of the reasons why Im writing this blog).  I used to draw, I loved drawing on pencil or 'pencil art' that's what I call it

Bad Feeling - Part Two

Back Bad Feeling - Part Two The last time I had a similar feeling, it lasted a whole morning and couldn't get anything done but worry something bad might happen. Later that day I found out that my bank card was missing and instead - I was so happy because that bad feeling went away! But this time it lasted for two days and I can't think of anything that I've done that was so wrong that I am feeling this way. It went away but the cause was never found. Hopefully it was a false alarm or something small - maybe I am just anxious about how the weekend would turn out. Oh yes! The weekend! The weekend It was awesome, memorable and fun - I guess. The families organized the barbecue, there was a whole lot of food and people were satisfied and of course beer. It was kind of my first time being in a family gathering away from home and being able to organize and communicate with different family members.  Family gatherings

Bad Feelings

"... still creeping me out." Today was no any other ordinary day. Dad came to visit (actually to witness something) yesterday, it was exciting yet I had this bad feeling that something terrible was going to happen.  Maybe because my cousin borrowed a friends car for us to drive around without any supervision or very little experience in driving. Maybe because I don't trust his driving.  The entire afternoon, I had that bad feeling, even when they came to pick me up from work. I thought it was the driving but we drove around safely that night, even I drove! With no experience on public roads, I drove well - I think so. Went to bed and woke up in the morning and this bad feeling is still creeping me out. Today is the big day, I just hope the weekend ends quickly so I can go back to my normal boring self. I didn't call my girlfriend yesterday in the night, I hope she understands why. I had a lot going on here. This bad feeling is just ruining my