Communication Skills

Why do people say that you have to have good communication skills?
I'm terrible at this, and I am still working on it. I hope one day I could be able move people into my circle of influence.

I am reminded everyday that I have to be convincing, persistent and work on my communication skills generally.

Personally, I try everyday, but if it does not show to others, then I must be failing. I mean, who would understand someone who has difficulty communicating his/her feelings, opinions and thoughts?
Fact is, its lonely if you can't communicate well. It's like a basic instinct to be heard.

I had no problem with this growing up. I was the 'Question Box' - the one who has one too many questions to ask about everything. Then, puberty kicked in and grew silent, withdrawn and basically keep to myself. I don't have a listener, maybe.

But as I grew up, I began to 'widen-out', started making new friends, spend more time outdoors and basically learning to socialize. I hope its not too late, but it takes a while for me to get use to things. I don't trust anyone I don't know, maybe quick to judge sometimes but hey! who doesn't.

Anyways here are some tips about communication.

There are two types of communication.
1. Intra-personal
2. Inter-personal

Number 1 is: How you communicate with yourself. 
More like how you see yourself, what you think others think about you, more to do with self confidence and self esteem.
This is new! I never knew that, but I suppose if you have good intra-personal communication skills, then you can be able to have good inter-personal communication skills.

Number 2 is: Obviously how you communicate with others.
This include: Verbal, written, oral and body language. They all contribute to sending your message across to another individual.
I mean sometimes what you say may be heard but not understood and the message you passed may have not been passed.

It's a difficult context, I mean I'm writing this blog but you have your own way to read it, it may not be how I want it to be read but I have to put it down in a way that I want you to be able to get what I am trying to say.

See!! Its mind teasing!

Anyways, I may post something up when I gather more info, maybe a document on related skills that you will need to be a good communicator.



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