New Beginings

A new beginning - or an end?

The country elected a new Prime Minister yesterday, I was a little hesitant about the word 'new' but he is the same Prime Minister who is continuing his second term in the Parliament.

Majority of the public - well on social media and on interview by the media, do not seem to like the guy. Well maybe because of the economic situation of the country or maybe they just don't like him for some other reasons. His people seem to love him as he got voted back in with a major gap with more than 30 000 difference to his runner up.
The opposition however tried a stunt to get some change done, however were not successful. It was a happy and sad day for the country. Now the opposition wants the government to put a law to restrict elected members for switching sides or jumping from one party to another.

Switching sides - Does it benefit the people?

Most of the members who campaigned against the winning party joyfully joined the team to elect the Prime Minister - well that is what the media said. The thing is, maybe there are too many independent candidates in this election. People should know the risk of voting independent candidates

  • They are free and can join which ever sides - which means when you vote an independent candidate, you may not have a say in who becomes the country's boss.
  • They are independent because they do not agree with existing political parties, their policies and goals and their policies, ideas and goals may differ after being elected.
In the end, we still end up with a corrupt system where who ever goes into that swamp shall be the same as the rest. This country - even the entire world does will never be at peace and harmony as long as 'men' rule it. It was never meant to be. Who came up with the idea of a man being in charge of other men?

The world is never as before, we go day by day without realizing what the real future holds for us - outside the box , outside the usual ignorance - where are we heading? Is it gonna be just like this till the end? End of what? Our lives? The world?
Big questions for us these days - anyways gotta go, will catch you later with more scribbles



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