

Scribbling is a habit, like there are scribblers around the world who scribble anything that comes to their mind. The definition of scribbler on wiki is "a person who writes for a living or as a hobby"! Would you want to write for a living? Interesting. Anyways, the fact is scribbling may be an advantage when one does not trust the company of others to share deep feelings. "I know I am a scribbler because I put all my thoughts down in writing in a scrap book but I write in a way that only I can read", says a youngster

Pencil Sketch of a man in a prayer position
By: Barthalloyd AKA Bossman 2017
As I grew up, I started losing it. I scribbled less and less as I get busier and busier. I would from time to time scribble in a scrap paper but it would end up being squashed and thrown away. I wish I had kept these notes so one day I can recall my life (One of the reasons why Im writing this blog). 
I used to draw, I loved drawing on pencil or 'pencil art' that's what I call it. I would look at something (people) and try to draw them as exactly as they are. Sometimes it gets frustrating when I couldn't and I end up giving up and scribble all over it
These days, I draw only once in a while, mostly to upload on social media, to show my friends that I still got it but deep inside I know that I'm losing it. Anyways "my fire died" when I saw my smallie/broggie/small bro started uploading his art work, and man! They were better than mine. In my head, "I give up". But I think he is gifted and he is using his gift way better than I am. I feel like I'm throwing mine away.

 Maybe seeing it will convince you that my words are for real

His Drawing - 90% Fun 10% Effort

My Drawing - 90% Effort 10% Fun
See what I mean? He is getting better!! But I'm proud of him, he surely will make a fine artist one day and all his hours of scribbling shall not be wasted. I bet if parent should support their children's hobbies instead of a goal to become a lawyer or the Prime Minister then the world should be a peaceful place to live in. It all starts with the building blocks of humanity - Family.

So scribblers, don't lose hope and definitely don't lose those scribbles or scrap paper or scrap books your collecting. One day you will find them useful, maybe make a story out of your life (Like what I'm trying to do here - Not working)

Be proud of who you are, be yourself and don't let the world judge your every step. Be confident, persistent and humble

Okay peace out, too much advise for one day :D


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