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Boogie Boo arrives as Tristan Rocco

Tristan Roccoh Huaffe minutes after birth, wrapped in his now favorite blanket   On the night of June 19 2020 at around 8:40PM, a beautiful healthy 2.5kg baby was born in Port Moresby General Hospital's labor ward. Despite both of our parents advises to have the baby outside Port Moresby, my partner Stella and I decided to experience this on our own. On Friday the 18th of June 2020, Stella was experiencing labor pains, but there was no 'water breaking'. The entire cold night, I watched helplessly as she walked around our house whenever she is in pain. She said to me, "If you see me walking faster, you know that I am in pain". This went on until Saturday morning when we decided, it's time to head to the hospital.  The 'baby bag' was already packed with tiny clothes, blankets, nappies, wipes, diapers, socks, caps and mittens - all ready for the arrival of Boogie Boo (see part one if you haven't yet)! We knew it was a boy after we took a scan to dete

Chief AKA 'Tiff Tiff'

  Pets - we've always have family pets growing up. It started with Flaichee (light brown furry and a happy chap) , then Timmy (big furry black and white and very friendly guy) , then Winnie  (is a she, and his all black. No one comes to the house unannounced). Chief was different. Chief was born in Gerehu Stage 2 - we never really knew the birth parrents as he was an explorer who wondered onto the street on a cold night and into our family.  Chief started his puppy tale in 2018 in a single rented room fed with milk and sweet biscuits until he matured. He was always kept close within eye sight and has never wandered off on his own outside the yard. When we moved to Gerehu Stage 5 in a stand alone house, he was a youngster going into his 'teenage' years, always jolly but fierce. There Chief met Venom (White and Brown furry explorer) whom they share their bed, plate and home. Unlike Venom, Chief likes to stay within the fence and was never let out. Chief was the guardian to ou

There is beauty in imperfection

I was scribbling on a piece of paper and kept thinking why I cannot make a perfect line or shape. Then it hit me that imperfection is what makes art beautiful and it puts that human sense on a piece of painting, drawing or craft.  If there was not imperfection, we would be like robots. Striving for perfection can sometimes be hectic. Don't get me wrong but there are somethings that needs some level perfection in order to function in life. For me, nothing is a 100% perfect and to think that I always wanted a perfect person beside me is wrong.  You remind me that life is not always perfect and that I have flaws that needed  someone to point out or correct. Your imperfection is what makes you beautiful and is what signifies who you are to me. At times remind me to pause, take a step back or slow down or not to overthink things.  Whatever the world throws my way, I have my way of dealing with it but you remind me that sometimes, I don't have to do everything on my own, and that the


It has been a pretty busy time of my life in the past years 2016-2021. I was busy with work, trying to find what works for me in this new life. I've been through so many crossroads and choices that I had to make over these few years outside of my comfy parents laps. Here's a bit of reflection over those years (If I can remember correctly). OCTOBER 2016  After I left university, I decided not to go home, but to pursue employment in PNG's most densely populated city of Port Moresby - the city of the filthy rich, the struggling middle-class, thugs and cultural and societal misfits. For me, it was a place to find a decent job. It wasn't too long before I figured it's not as easy as it was presented to us in the comforts of a lecture room. I bet all under-grads had the same dream as I had, thinking we've made it in life going into a University and it should be all downhill from there, getting a good job owning a house a car. Well that is not the case, as soon as you

'Grams' Agatha Waramin

  EARLY LIFE Late Agatha Waramin was born Agatha Yowori Wakahanduo on 25th May, 1944 in Mawindoku village, Wewak District. She was the first child of Peter Wakahanduo and Cecilia Jaramanay. She lived with her wawo’s wife at Mawindoku while her family lived at Koiken village or small village called Havihasa and later moved to Koiken to attend school. She attended Wirui Primary School, completing standard 1-6 and later went to Rabaul completing Standard Form 1 to Form 4 at Our Lady of Sacred Heart (OLSH) Vunapope.  She started her teacher training the following year at OLSH, Kabalio Teachers college and graduated as a Primary School teacher. She then returned to Wewak and taught at Dagua Catholic Mission Primary School 1962-1966.  MARRAGE AND FAMILY At the age of 22 in 1966, Agatha meet Clement Waramin. Two years later and 1968, they exchanged rings in Christ the King Cathedral, Wirui and got married. Eventually they had seven children: Edward, Late Louis, Daniel, Louis, late Robert, She

The beautiful people that raised me

  This picture reminds me of my childhood. Now grown, I look back at the days my parents sacrificed to provide the best that they can give to me and my siblings. We didn't have much, but we always have each other. We did everything as a unit, never apart. Dad was always the one in front, leading, hitting the hardest waves we've faced My dad was a teacher at a boarding school. This means he had to get up early on some days to supervise the student at the mess, stay up late to ensure students study and return to their dorms, stay up late on weekends to complete lesson plans or assessments. Apart from that, he was the alternate emergency driver. We often get woken up in the middle of the night when his colleagues or students come looking for a driver for emergency hospital runs or airport runs. Its about a 30-45 minutes' drive one way. I've never heard him complain once. My parents were also very dedicated Christians - they were Jehovah's Witnesses. Our home was always

Stella Ellah Tadies

As we journey through the unknowns, little did we know that our lives would have dramatically changed over the course of two years. We've fallen pregnant, fallen ill, went broke, got into fights, stressed over work, stressed over family obligations, stressed over our health, where to live, what to eat and how to take care of our family. But you stood tall, with your head held high, never showing your weaknesses to anyone, fought each day with the hope of a better tomorrow. I loved you for your patience (although you say its not your biggest strength, you totally outmatched my patience lately). I loved you for your kind heart and selflessness - you would put everyone first no matter what. I loved you for your beauty, your smile, your voice and your touch. I loved you for carrying Tristan in your womb for 9 months, for all the love you showed him, for the care and the motherly affection.  Even in the midst of my break-downs, you kept sane and remain vigorous to fight whatever the wor

BoogieBoo Part 3 - A trip Home and back

  Hi Everyone! I'm Tristan - AKA Mr BoogieBoo. My dad is probably exaggerating right now but I can only say 'Der', 'Mam-mam' and 'Tatatata.....'! Anyways, here a little update on my journey so far A TRIP TO WEWAK A lot of things happened in the life of BoogieBoo during the span of time since my last post. he traveled! Yes, and this time with mummy and daddy. He traveled home to Wewak, to see his 'GGMa' (Great Grand Ma) and 'GGPa' (Great Grand Pa) who were over the moon to hold him in their arms. Tristan with GGMa and GGPa It was a short stay. One visit, and back to our humble home in the big city. Who knows if we will ever visit the grannies again - only time will tell. Grandma and Grandpa went home too. This means, after our return, Mr BoogieBoo had to adjust to a new environment and a new baby sitter - Mummy Hilu. Mummy and Daddy still had to go to work! Mummy sacrificed her first few days to stay back and care for him until the new Mummy H