BoogieBoo Part 3 - A trip Home and back

 Hi Everyone! I'm Tristan - AKA Mr BoogieBoo. My dad is probably exaggerating right now but I can only say 'Der', 'Mam-mam' and 'Tatatata.....'! Anyways, here a little update on my journey so far


A lot of things happened in the life of BoogieBoo during the span of time since my last post. he traveled! Yes, and this time with mummy and daddy. He traveled home to Wewak, to see his 'GGMa' (Great Grand Ma) and 'GGPa' (Great Grand Pa) who were over the moon to hold him in their arms.

Tristan with GGMa and GGPa

It was a short stay. One visit, and back to our humble home in the big city. Who knows if we will ever visit the grannies again - only time will tell. Grandma and Grandpa went home too. This means, after our return, Mr BoogieBoo had to adjust to a new environment and a new baby sitter - Mummy Hilu. Mummy and Daddy still had to go to work! Mummy sacrificed her first few days to stay back and care for him until the new Mummy Hilu arrived with baby Darrel (Thank you mummy, we love you!).

Tristan getting some sunlight at Moem Junction beach

A month into the new phase of life, he is just flourishing. Since he started eating and crawling, he has become more and more interactive, and responds very well to gestures. Coming home every day after work just to hold him in our arms replenishes and fills our heart with joy and happiness. We love you Mr BoogieBoo. 

He is always surprising us with new things every day. Thursday 28 January 2021, he crawled the longest distance in all fours. I always wondered how happy he would feel when he could move on his own as long as he is no longer licking the floor/mat/mattress like he used to. 


Tristan likes to play with hard objects, wash inside his laundry bucket, grab chairs to stand up, sleep inside his hammock, play with uncle Lloyd's guitar (more like pushing it around and pull the strings), take serious-face photos with dad.

Within the month of March to April, he started lifting himself up to pull things from the table down. 

In May, he was already standing on his own for a few seconds, then falls down onto his bum sending a thick smoke of power out the pores of his diaper. I think he knows how to use a phone now because he loves picking up my phone and putting it on his ear - sometimes too far to the back of his neck!

He is learning to point to things and play hide and seek. Next month would be his 1 year birth day. We don't celebrate birthdays or make parties but it is a milestone. This little guy has officially been with us for a year!

December 2020 Family Reunion: Latisha, Duncan, Tristan, Stella, Shaun, Dulcie, Aiden (looking away), Adriel, Dad, Mum, Lloyd



PNG Birth & National Identity Registration Form - Electronic Fillable


YouTube as a YoutTuber part II