The beautiful people that raised me


This picture reminds me of my childhood. Now grown, I look back at the days my parents sacrificed to provide the best that they can give to me and my siblings. We didn't have much, but we always have each other. We did everything as a unit, never apart. Dad was always the one in front, leading, hitting the hardest waves we've faced

My dad was a teacher at a boarding school. This means he had to get up early on some days to supervise the student at the mess, stay up late to ensure students study and return to their dorms, stay up late on weekends to complete lesson plans or assessments. Apart from that, he was the alternate emergency driver. We often get woken up in the middle of the night when his colleagues or students come looking for a driver for emergency hospital runs or airport runs. Its about a 30-45 minutes' drive one way. I've never heard him complain once.

My parents were also very dedicated Christians - they were Jehovah's Witnesses. Our home was always in order, and they practiced bible standards knowing it is the basis of a happy life. We always attend congregation meetings. There was never a day or time we've missed one without trying. The main challenge going to the meetings was transportation. We used to have a small car when we were toddlers but it broke down a few years later. From then on, we relied on Public Motor Vehicle (PMV) transportation. Like most small towns, the PMVs operate based on when the town is open for business - the town only opens on weekdays from 8AM-5PM, half day on Saturdays and closes on Sundays. We needed to get to meetings on Sundays and Tuesday nights and Thursday nights! 

My Dad
What I admire most about what this picture has captured were the bags he is carrying. Everywhere we go, he carried more than one bag. As children back then, we never liked carrying bags. He never complained. As humble as he is, he will pick up anything we refuse to carry. These bags could be food, clothes, books, magazines and bibles. Sometimes I cannot even lift some of the bags he carries. When there are no PMVs operating, and if there is time, we walk (remember, its a 45 minute drive, it takes longer by fee). We've walked the entire distance from our home to the town so many times, day or night. Good thing is we have relatives along the highway so security was not an issue. 

Mum is always supportive, even during some frustrating times, she always gives in and trust that we are on the right path. I admire her for being strong, courageous and always having dad's back in whatever we face as a family.

They used to tell us, one day you will have kids, and only then, you will understand how much struggle, sacrifice, time and effort has been put into your upbringing.

As I became a dad to my son, I started back tracking on my childhood. My role model - my dad. I wanted to be the father to Tristan as how my dad was to my siblings and I. I came to realize certain traits that I have yet to perfect in my role as a dad.

I can't remember a time my dad raised his voice and yelled at us for something we did. He was always gentle. He never cursed at us or talked down on us. All he did to discipline us was sit us down, tell us why we are being punished and gave us a scripture or two to support what he needs to do to get us on track.

I remember one particular time we were misbehaving somewhere public, he never scolded us then, but waited until we got home, sat us down and each of us got a belt on the back for misbehaving. My mom on the other hand was who we got most of our beatings from. Either throwing a broom at us or whipping us as we walked up the stairs of the house for coming late or with a spatula or stick. But naturally, we were clingy to our mom than our dad. We'd choose to follow mom to town than our dad. We have our reasons (*wink wink* Economist).

I wish I one day could be the man he was, to be able to be calm under pressure, patiently waiting on very long queues, carefully plan, consult and make choices, to be brave enough to take lead and have the courage to stand for what is right and protect loved ones no matter what the world throws my way, and at the same time, not have a single grudge against anyone. 

It takes a strong man to be my dad and he has the best support from his partner, my mum. Thank you for being you! I am grateful to have you both in my life,



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