Boogie Boo Part 1

The name I gave to my unborn child - 'Boggie Boo'. I don't know how I came up with it but it sounded right the first time I spoke to my child in the mother's belly.

Boogie Boo is due 18 days from now - well that is what the nurse said. Boogie's mum and I bought blankets and wipes. One of the mum's friend bought a small bed set as a present at the office baby shower party. I was not there as it was on a Friday and I had to be at work.

I am taking a couple of days off work to make sure I am at the hospital bed when Boogieboo arrives! Cant wait for it. Its exciting yet there are doubts as this is a new experience but we are confident that we can make it through.

Although we have yet to buy the 'delivery pack' which the bubu's sent us a list of, we are ready for the arrival. The paternal bubu's sent quite a list of things to do and things to buy. If I remember correctly, they listed

- Dont eat junk food
- Dont eat oily/greasy food
- Dont do heavy/hard labour work around the house 
- Dont wear tight clothes
The Dos
- Eat lots of fruits and veggies
- Walk around and exercise regularly
- Eat every minute (I presume)
- Get a lot of rest (dont do any housework)
- Drink warm water and lots of fluids (but Boogie Boo seems to be jumping around on mummy's bladder)

Today is 12.06.20 - my last day at work before I go on leave and enter the next chapter of my life - fatherhood. We had a corporate section meeting under the trees at 2pm, which was a tradition since the covid-19 shutdowns. We usually have these meetings to update and discuss about issues every week. This one was different, as most staff are already very well versed with covid-19 and preventive measures so our section heads decided to talk about other general issues. These issues include people going on leave. An announcement was made, "Duncan is going on paternity leave. Duncan? How long will you be on leave...". It's no secret now as I get a whole lot of congratulatory fist bumps on my way back in and during the rest of the day.

But what surprised me most is that my manager and a colleague from another section brought me two bags of gifts at around 3:30PM. I was speechless. Its such a great feeling when you have people like this around you to encourage and support you especially when you are going through something in life for the first time. This will be treasured.



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YouTube as a YoutTuber part II