
Showing posts from 2020

A year without you

 As I sit here in this very room carrying my child, I pictured your last days in this room. The last time I came in and sat with you, the light was off and it was dark. I asked if you were okay and if there's anything I can do. In a quiet yet confident voice you told me that all is good and that you are just waiting for the final scan results from the hospital. I trusted your words, a you are a medical professional yourself. We talked for a bit and I walked thinking we will be fine. Little did I know, this would be the last time we sat down together.  It's just the kind of person you are. You never wanted to be a burden to anyone else - even your immediate family. You've got a wonderful spirit that all that you have crossed paths with would forever cherish. You are my longest best friend and brother. Since childhood we were inseparable and I am blessed to have you as my family and close to me.  The last picture in my phone of Late Desmond Roccoh Manui in May 2019 at Gerehu

Boogie Boo arrives as Tristan Rocco

Tristan Roccoh Huaffe minutes after birth, wrapped in his now favorite blanket   On the night of June 19 2020 at around 8:40PM, a beautiful healthy 2.5kg baby was born in Port Moresby General Hospital's labor ward. Despite both of our parents advises to have the baby outside Port Moresby, my partner Stella and I decided to experience this on our own. On Friday the 18th of June 2020, Stella was experiencing labor pains, but there was no 'water breaking'. The entire cold night, I watched helplessly as she walked around our house whenever she is in pain. She said to me, "If you see me walking faster, you know that I am in pain". This went on until Saturday morning when we decided, it's time to head to the hospital.  The 'baby bag' was already packed with tiny clothes, blankets, nappies, wipes, diapers, socks, caps and mittens - all ready for the arrival of Boogie Boo (see part one if you haven't yet)! We knew it was a boy after we took a scan to dete

Boogie Boo Part 1

The name I gave to my unborn child - 'Boggie Boo'. I don't know how I came up with it but it sounded right the first time I spoke to my child in the mother's belly. Boogie Boo is due 18 days from now - well that is what the nurse said. Boogie's mum and I bought blankets and wipes. One of the mum's friend bought a small bed set as a present at the office baby shower party. I was not there as it was on a Friday and I had to be at work. I am taking a couple of days off work to make sure I am at the hospital bed when Boogieboo arrives! Cant wait for it. Its exciting yet there are doubts as this is a new experience but we are confident that we can make it through. Although we have yet to buy the 'delivery pack' which the bubu's sent us a list of, we are ready for the arrival. The paternal bubu's sent quite a list of things to do and things to buy. If I remember correctly, they listed The DONTs - Dont eat junk food - Dont eat oily/greasy food - Dont do

His Portrait Business Plan

As part of my small brother's grade 11 business studies assignment, he was asked to write about a business idea. He asked me to print this out so that he can submit to his teacher tomorrow. Before printing it out, I had a read through and figured this could be a start of something good. I should keep this online in case he needs to re-visit this in 10 years time. Business idea The business idea that I have in mind is drawing people’s portrait. I chose this idea because I am good at it and I really like drawing. Also, because I have some experience in this line of work. It’s more of a service rather than a product. The aim of the business is to provide portrait art service to high end clients.   All I really need is a high quality reference picture from the existing or potential clients and the drawing stationery .These stationery include; graphite pencils, an eraser, a ruler, lighting, work space and sketch pad or canvas. Upon request from the clients, I will use these stationery

Family and Sexual Violence - Bel Isi PNG

Here's a couple to notes I've taken during an all staff information session at the Australian High Commission Port Moresby on 16 December 2019. I hope this will help people like me who thinks we dont have anything to do with FSV as it provides more information about FSV and services available through subscription. The following notes were taken during a session conducted a representative from the Bel Isi PNG. FSV Policy was the first of its kind in the Pacific in 2017. The policy is in place to support staff as it does not tolerate any form of violence within or outside of the workplace. In 2013, the Papua New Guinea Government (GoPNG) placed the 'Family Protection Act' that is associated with the politically correct term of 'Gender Based Violence' commonly refered to as Family and Sexual Violence. ABUSES The types of abuses discussed include: Physical Sexual (unconsented) or Sexual Harrasment Emotional (verbal) Finanical (deprived o