Family and Sexual Violence - Bel Isi PNG

Here's a couple to notes I've taken during an all staff information session at the Australian High Commission Port Moresby on 16 December 2019. I hope this will help people like me who thinks we dont have anything to do with FSV as it provides more information about FSV and services available through subscription. The following notes were taken during a session conducted a representative from the Bel Isi PNG.

FSV Policy was the first of its kind in the Pacific in 2017.
The policy is in place to support staff as it does not tolerate any form of violence within or outside of the workplace.

In 2013, the Papua New Guinea Government (GoPNG) placed the 'Family Protection Act' that is associated with the politically correct term of 'Gender Based Violence' commonly refered to as Family and Sexual Violence.

  • The types of abuses discussed include:
  • Physical
  • Sexual (unconsented) or Sexual Harrasment
  • Emotional (verbal)
  • Finanical (deprived of basic needs)
  • Stalking (always controling)
  • Isolation (forced)

In PNG, from a very young age, boys are forced to act as men and not to be weak as women. A common phrase used by boys today in Tok Pisin (Pidgin) would be 'Noken karai olsem liklik meri', which tends to describe that the act of crying is only expected from females. Males are not supposed to cry at all.

Ideas like this are so interwoven into our culture that is not easy to jump out of easily. Another example discussed was the color pink. What is the reason behind pink being a girls color? Let me know in the comments what you think. Is there a significance to the color?

Three major companies in PNG carried out a survey in the last five years and found out that 68% of employees experience FSV. This means an average of 11 days per employee is lost and K3 million (per annum I presume).

- Case Management Systems recorded 300+ cases in 2017
- Advice from Health, Police & Justice Professinals
- Safety Plan for victims
- Referals to Health services (first 3 days STDs, emergency contraceptives within first 5 days
- Psychological support

Other services comes at not cost to all public
- Haus Ruth - Ela Beach
- Kaugere Safe House (renovated)
- Inhouse lawyer
- 24Hrs G4S Transport (Ph: 7222 1234)

Note: In the event you are approached by someone in this situation - DO NOT COUNSEL but refer individual to proffessionals

LUKAUTIM PIKININI ACT protects third party who can report a case of child abuse/neglegence. You do not have to get consent to report a case.

Consentual sex is similar to a cup of tea. You dont force someone to drink a cup of tea. If someone asks for a cup of tea this morning, that does not mean every morning. A short video was shown with regards to this which you can watch here.
You must seek consent or ask and there should be a mutual agreement before an act takes place.

One interesting thing I find is the definition and difference between SEX and GENDER. Sex refers to the biological or physiological classification of individuals. GENDER refers to the identity of an individual.

Majors sponsors of Bel Isi PNGs
- Femili PNG
- Oil Search
- Steamships Group
- Bank South Pacific
- National Capital District Commission
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australia)

I hope this is helpful and please visit for more information



PNG Birth & National Identity Registration Form - Electronic Fillable


YouTube as a YoutTuber part II