Interview Cheat Sheet

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When I had my first interview with BeMobile back in 2016, I went without any preparation. I thought it was just basic questions and whatever comes to mind should be sufficient to get me through the next step because I am qualified - I was just too confident! You know when you just came out fresh from university and you think you know everything. Well this is not the case.

My interview was unsuccessful and I began to wonder why - I am qualified, was my resume persuasive enough? Then I thought, my resume was persuasive - that was what got me an interview at the first place. This got me thinking about how I can improve my answers at interviews.

I soon found through little research online and offline that it is important to prepare before an interview. Think of it as the first step of an interview.

When the time came for my second interview, I was ready. I researched all the possible questions, studied each question requires and what the interviewee wants to hear from me. After being fully prepeared, I went in and nailed it - ofcourse you'll be shaky at first but once you get the feel of it, you'll go full steam ahead because you already know what the interviewer wants from you.

A great guide I use was from Below is the link. Have a read and preapare for your next interview. Dont forget to learn as much as you can about the company/organization you are interviewing for.

Just click right here 



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