Technology Ideas for PNG

1. Online Protests

Whilst browsing through Twitter, I stumbled upon an online protest site. I thought to myself, if PNG could adapt these nationally, the people would not need to waste time and money protesting on the street. All they need is to provide facts and evidence and create an online protest with live figures (similar to polls on fb/twiiter). 

Although most of our complaints online are made through Social Media, one day it would become a norm to the government and they will turn a blind eye to it. Besides, Social Media generally is considered informal and not 100% reliable source of information.

2. Motor Traffic Monitoring System

For a city like Port Moresby, it is impossible to track down all motor vehicles. A centralized database with interfaces to Motor Vehicle Insurance Limited, Road Traffic Authority, Dealers and Auto Shops and the Traffic Police should enable the three government arms to tackle Stolen Motor Vehicle issues, Un-roadworthy vehicles, drivers with existing violations.

The database would store mainly vehicle registration details, safety standards (roadworthy), drivers licence details and violations.

MVIL interface - this interface will be used by the company to record and save vehicle registration details and third party insurance everytime a new car is registered or registration is renewed. The interface will also allow for PNG Driving License details of drivers to be recorded.

RTA interface - this interface will allow RTA to oversee and monitor processes and records

Dealers and Auto Shops - this interface allows dealers to update vehicle information every time a vehicle is serviced or inspected for road worthiness.

Traffic Police - this interface allows law enforcers to monitor both motor vehicles and drivers on the road. For example: a traffic officer could be able to pull over a vehicle and just by entering the vehicle registration number (plates), the officer will be able to retrieve all information from the database such as: registration expiry date, last vehicle inspection, violations, frequent driver, owner details, security details (if reported missing/stolen)

Developing a system like this in PNG would take patience, criticism and a lot of integration with existing legacy systems. Hoping to see some change a few years down the line.

3. Order in-shop

Allow shoppers to use local network to order stuff. Useful for house-kais/crowded shops/drive ins.

4. Uber Taxi Pick up Pickup

There are a lot of Taxis in Port Moresby. Most of which are privately owned and not regu

5. Market-App

Market-App to use local network to buy/sell/advertise locally without using the internet.


PNG Birth & National Identity Registration Form - Electronic Fillable


YouTube as a YoutTuber part II