
Showing posts from 2019

My Pick of History

Sometimes going back in time is possible. Here are some pictures you may have seen but have not really thought about it. These are my favourate pick of history. 1. Albert Einstein The timeless photo of Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue is familiar to many, but the story behind it is less so. On his birthday party in March, 1951, a journalist asked Albert for a smile, tired of smiling all night, the physicist replied with an eccentric sticking-out of the tongue. He may have had few beers by that point. 2. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer The opening credits to any Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production is synonymous with the roaring lion, everyone has experienced that vintage roar before the film is about to start, becoming a symbol for the MGM brand. It was here in 1928 that they filmed the famous roar, I hope those cameramen are still in one piece 4 . Lumberjacks This image is from the 1915-era capturing lumberjacks working amongst the gargantuan redwoods in California when commercial lo

Boring Life?

So you've completed your studies, got yourself a bachelor's degree, worked for over a year or two and realize that life is not interesting anymore. What do you do? You probably spend your weekend waking hours or just day dream about what you could have done to spice up your life but all you can think of was the good old days with your friends and family when you dont have real responsibilies in life. You would probably wonder back in time to your uni days where you were on top of the world and nothing can stop you but now reality hits you and you feel like you are back to square one and have to start all over again. IS IT LACK OF OPPORTUNITY? 1. Friends - if you dont see your friends at least once in a while, they might not be there when you go around. People dont wait around like they used to. Make time for people and they will make time for you. Good friends will never let you down. 2. Make an effort to meet people - if youre sitting around a beer

Interview Cheat Sheet

When I had my first interview with BeMobile back in 2016, I went without any preparation. I thought it was just basic questions and whatever comes to mind should be sufficient to get me through the next step because I am qualified - I was just too confident! You know when you just came out fresh from university and you think you know everything. Well this is not the case. My interview was unsuccessful and I began to wonder why - I am qualified, was my resume persuasive enough? Then I thought, my resume was persuasive - that was what got me an interview at the first place. This got me thinking about how I can improve my answers at interviews. I soon found through little research online and offline that it is important to prepare before an interview. Think of it as the first step of an interview. When the time came for my second interview, I was ready. I researched all the possible questions, studied each question requires and what the interviewee wants to hear from me. After bein

Social Media and Me

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube - anything online that requires you and a thousand others to share information, text, images, videos and links to more text, images and videos. COMPTETITION From my own perspective, everytime I go online, I feel the urge to post something that would attract attention. Why? Because you see a lot of your 'friends' posting pictures of having a good time, enjoying this and that, and you feel the urge to compete. STRESS How many good things do you see on your newsfeed apart from memes? According to an article on states that people tend to use social media to "vent about everything from customer service to politics". This reminds me of the PHT (PNG Happenings Today) facebook group. In 2015, researchers (Pew Research Center - Washington DC - found out that social media induces more stress than it relieves. Why? Your reading about problems, seeing pictures, watching videos about complaints

Business Ideas from "Economic Warfare"

First of all watch this video Three things you either have or you dont have is GUTS, PASSION and BRAINs. If you dont have one of the three, find someone who has it and learn from them. Relying on salaries these days in a country like PNG is unrealistic. We have a lot of obligations compared to Western Cutlure. Alhtough we are trying to be like them and be ourselves at the same time is impossible. Things I've learned so far: 1. Find a role model and follow their footsteps 2. Do not have a back up plan or plan Bs 3. Take control of your life and start now Having a backup plan shows that you have doubt, if you fail, try again and again until you succeed at it. Its either you pass or fail and no other way around it. I feel like Im giving gradueates and enteprenuers a pep talk. Anyways, I suggest watching this video with other related videos for self motivation. :)

Wan wik nau

Wanpla wik nau na yu silip lo matmat bata. Mi kam bek long haus yumi stap long em na tingim laspela taim yu bin sidaun lo varanda. Tingim taim yu save pinis wok na kam bek na katim side lo fence na kam insait, sidaun rausim shoe blo yu, tromoi wanpla nek, laf, smile na wokabaut go insait lo rum blo yu. Kain dressing blo yu, wanpla gentlemen slimfit shirt wantem jeans na stockman, saitim liklik bilum blo yu lo wansait. Every fortnait blo yu ba yu kam wantem shopping plastic na go stret lo kitchen. Sampla taim yu sa wok nait em moning ba yu kam wantem shopping. Weekend ba yu mekim plan wantem small sis lo go painim pizza. Hamaspla plan go nating na mipla no kaikai pizza yet. But em funny tasol. Yu yet wanpla unique bata. Ol funny blo yu sa mekim na at least house sa laf liklik. Every afternoon lo taim blo dinner na lo weekend mornings. Yu no sa raun outside tumas. Free time blo yu em blo blockim yau lo headphone na watch.  Taim yu bin sick, laptop bin playim b

Ba Yumi Orait - Rest well bata

Bats, I wish had done everything possible to break you free from this. I know that you've suffered more than you deserved. Yu yet yu strongpla man. Yu no kain man blo kros pait. But you cannot carry all the burden on your own. We shared everything, wish we could share this. I hate the fact that I watched on the sidelines, occupied with other things than to put 110% into making sure you were comfortable and had a decent journey through. But I also know that you will never want to be dependent. You never wanted pity because you were strong and you fought well. Although things didnt go well, you still loved everyone. Even when we don't deserve it, you still loved us all. My blood I will surely miss the days, our good and bad days and will surely miss you saying 'ba yumi orait'. Nau yu malolo. Rest well bata. I've never been more heart broken, even thought it might not show. In my mind, youre there smiling. Always smiling. Every where we've been,

Bai Yumi Orait

Since pre-school yumi pas wantem kam inap yumi kamap man na work moni. Yumi sharim chalk, blackboard, pencil, eraser, book, paper, clothes, shoe, money na finally we have a house. Tingim bek taim yumi no sa malolo lo kisim prize lo primary school na taim yumi grade ten we were so proud of getting all Distinctions. You chose to work on people and I chose to work on computers. No matter what we've gone through, it was always together. Hevi blo you em hevi blo mi, amamas blo yu em amamas blo mi too. When mi sa daun bai yu tok "ba yumi orait" na taim yu daun ba me tok "ba yumi orait". Mitla wantem no man blo toktok tumas - lukluk lo eye tasol na stap. We can accoplish a lot without anything without even saying more than three words. We had plans, big plans for the both of us. We had dreams and we worked hard for it. We sacrificed for the ones we loved and sometimes we get annoyed but we still do it. Tupla workman but shoe trausis kolos blo umi osem ol

My Meme Addiction

I couldn't call it an addiction but it all started when you’re with a bunch of friends and you're all online with nothing interesting to tell each other so you go on meme pages and start picking out the best and laughing to eat. Then you started work and hang out on Friday nights drinking but still share memes. I've got to say, the next language of social media will be memes, sarcasm and ignorance. What are memes? (Pronounced "meem") An element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means. An image video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature that is copied and spread rapidly by Internet users, often with slight variations. Nothing defines the use of internet as clearly as the concept of the memes. If you've used the internet for more than a few days, you've probably seen a meme. They've become an integral part of modern online life. https://www.w

Liver Cancer

The liver is the organ above your stomach that is a size of a football. Like any other vital organs in the body, one cannot function normally without a healthy strong liver. What are the risks? The liver filters almost 500mLs of blood at any point in time, removing toxins, alchohol and any harmful substances in our blood stream. The liver also produces chemicals to break down food in the stomach such as fats to be easily digested. Interesting Fact: The liver can repair itself - it can funciton with only a small part of it and grow back into full size within 6 to 8 weeks. There are may diseases that may affect the liver but I'd like to concentrate on Liver Cancer. There are two types of liver cancer - Primary and Secondary. Primary liver cancer develops in the liver. Cancer cells then replace healthy liver cells hence suppressing the function of each cell in the liver. Secondary Liver cancer is caused by cancer cells in other parts of the body being transported to the live