
Showing posts from February, 2020

Family and Sexual Violence - Bel Isi PNG

Here's a couple to notes I've taken during an all staff information session at the Australian High Commission Port Moresby on 16 December 2019. I hope this will help people like me who thinks we dont have anything to do with FSV as it provides more information about FSV and services available through subscription. The following notes were taken during a session conducted a representative from the Bel Isi PNG. FSV Policy was the first of its kind in the Pacific in 2017. The policy is in place to support staff as it does not tolerate any form of violence within or outside of the workplace. In 2013, the Papua New Guinea Government (GoPNG) placed the 'Family Protection Act' that is associated with the politically correct term of 'Gender Based Violence' commonly refered to as Family and Sexual Violence. ABUSES The types of abuses discussed include: Physical Sexual (unconsented) or Sexual Harrasment Emotional (verbal) Finanical (deprived o