
Showing posts from March, 2019

Crossroads with Friends

Duncan, Adam, Laevai, Zephaniah , Trevor, Joshua, Liebert As teenagers, we've all wanted to be free, be independent, grow up fast and be on our way and choose our own paths. Little did we know, there would be so many things we would encounter on this journey. We all made it our commitment to get to a university level eduction with the support of our families. Our plan was simple, to study hard, do our best and to become successful. Get a reasonable job after four years and live a happy life. A lot changed during those years - some of the best years of our lives so far. We know we can't get those days back but the memories, pictures and jokes are what we should hold on to. We met so many wonderful people there, friends who stood by us no matter what, and for that we are grateful. We were so lucky to have found each other, a group that share almost everything.  We understood each other very well and some of us have never had friends like this before. We'll be forever

The Bomb

The bomb "They were all buried in one grave.." was what she said as she recalls the terrible event. My grandmother grew up in the 40s. She recalls every detail of her childhood days, when they were kids playing in the river or looking for food in the bush. PC: After cooking her dinner, she tells me the tale which I've only heard bits and pieces of in the past. Village people don't talk about it anymore. It was about a 'bomb' that exploded and killed villagers during a ceremony. It wasn't too long ago that the incident happened, there are people who witnessed the incident when they were kids, some lost their siblings in the event and are still alive today. My grandmother was not present at the very time of the incident, instead she recalls exactly where she was, how she got the news, and how she came to know the story She can only describe the scene after the incident where bodies were scattered beyond recognition

Port Moresby "Violent City"

VIOLENT CITY 2018 was a big year for this nation. Emerging out of traditional and cultural conflicts, the Papua New Guinean Government decides to host one of the most import conferences of the Asia Pacific in this developing country. This is how the world (or our neighbors) view PNG "A violent city prepares to host a glittering summit" - ABC News Australia. "In a few months, world leaders will meet in one of the most dangerous cities - Port Moresby. The Papua New Guinea and Australian governments are spending millions to get ready for the APEC summit..." Is this true? Francis Boso does not share the same view. In response to some of the comments, Mr Boso kindly states that PNG has never done any "terrorist attack" like in other countries.. He further states that "Most tourists are seen by Papua New Guineans as Gold Hunters" that is why they hate them for that. A couple of links to reported cases of violence were also gi

Technology Ideas for PNG

1. Online Protests Whilst browsing through Twitter, I stumbled upon an online protest site. I thought to myself, if PNG could adapt these nationally, the people would not need to waste time and money protesting on the street. All they need is to provide facts and evidence and create an online protest with live figures (similar to polls on fb/twiiter).  Although most of our complaints online are made through Social Media, one day it would become a norm to the government and they will turn a blind eye to it. Besides, Social Media generally is considered informal and not 100% reliable source of information. 2. Motor Traffic Monitoring System For a city like Port Moresby, it is impossible to track down all motor vehicles. A centralized database with interfaces to Motor Vehicle Insurance Limited, Road Traffic Authority, Dealers and Auto Shops and the Traffic Police should enable the three government arms to tackle Stolen Motor Vehicle issues, Un-roadworthy vehicles, drivers w