Social Media and Me
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube - anything online that requires you and a thousand others to share information, text, images, videos and links to more text, images and videos. COMPTETITION From my own perspective, everytime I go online, I feel the urge to post something that would attract attention. Why? Because you see a lot of your 'friends' posting pictures of having a good time, enjoying this and that, and you feel the urge to compete. STRESS How many good things do you see on your newsfeed apart from memes? According to an article on states that people tend to use social media to "vent about everything from customer service to politics". This reminds me of the PHT (PNG Happenings Today) facebook group. In 2015, researchers (Pew Research Center - Washington DC - found out that social media induces more stress than it relieves. Why? Your reading about problems, seeing pictures, watching videos about complaints...