
Showing posts from 2018

Buna Trekkers Animation - MSO Power Point

Created for

Creating animations with MSO PowerPoint

Created this in less than an hour for my facebook page duffe16. Techniques: Microsoft Office 2016 Using 3 slides and different animations Save as .mp4 or Export Video from the File Menu. Let me know if you would like to see a step by step tutorial on how to create meaningful animations and save them as videos for your video projects etc. It is a useful tool when you are in a hurry and dont want to open sophisticated video editing tools for a simple animation.

Event Introduction Animation

Animation 2 Project is in pptx. (MSO PowerPoint)

live and learn

This animation created using MSO PowerPoint application. The thing about the latest versions is that you can easily save your slideshow as a .mp4 video file. Add animations and transitions and you get yourself a high quality mp4 animation. Check out my blog on for other tips and tricks